Uranium Energy Corp., poised to be America’s next in-situ recovery uranium producer, has risen from relative obscurity to become one of the most visible company’s in the uranium exploration and production industry. Although the growing worldwide move away from fossil fuels and into nuclear power has generated a string of aspiring uranium exploration companies, UEC has clearly left the pack behind.
The reason that UEC increasingly stands alone is that it has established dominant capabilities in three of the most important aspects of its industry: exploration, production, and financing. Most exploration companies have limited exploration resources, and compete with other companies for often marginal prospects. Any uranium ore must be handed off for production. And their overall weak positions mean a constant struggle for funding just to keep themselves afloat. In contrast, UEC has established an unparalleled foundation in each of these areas.
The facts speak for themselves:
• UEC is able to tap one of the largest uranium exploration and production databases available anywhere, allowing it to identify and focus its exploration on the most promising sites in the country. As a result, they have already acquired significant properties in Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, Colorado, and other areas of the Western U.S. (The company’s current project portfolio is estimated to hold roughly 34 million pounds of U308.)
• UEC has its own fully licensed and permitted uranium processing plant, one of only a handful of such plants in the entire country, able to process up to 2.5 million pounds of U308 annually. The facility is perfectly located for easy access by the company’s Texas projects.
• UEC, due largely to the recent sale of its interests in Nevada corporation Cibola Resources, is completely debt free, and, as of August 2010, has a cash position of over $19 million.
Today, UEC stands ready to fire up a financial engine that exploration contenders can only dream about and investors seldom get an opportunity to consider. Initial production is expected to begin later this year.
For more information, see the company website at www.UraniumEnergy.com.
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