From a company that started out in 1909 with 109 miles of transmission line, 8 megawatts of generating capacity, and 2,400 customers, Empire District Electric Company (EDE) has come a long way. Today, the company utilizes more than 1,200 miles of transmission line and over 1255 megawatts of capacity to serve approximately 215,000 customers.
Trading on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), Empire has their headquarters in Joplin, Missouri. They are a regulated utilities company that provides electricity, natural gas, and water service. They serve customers in Missouri, Kansas, Oklahoma, and Arkansas. The company provides their natural gas service through their wholly owned subsidiary, the Empire District Gas Company. In addition, a subsidiary of Empire also provides fiber optic services.
Empire District Electric Company has traded on the New York Stock Exchange since 1946. The company has paid dividends continuously since 1944. Their electric all-time summer peak load is 1,173 MW. This occurred on August 15, 2007. Their electric all-time winter peak load is 1,059 MW. This was set on February 16, 2007. Their 2007 gas maximum daily flow was a volume of 68,381 Mcf (thousand cubic feet) on February 15, 2007.
Empire’s electric segment generates electricity from coal, natural gas, and hydro sources. They supply retail electric service to 121 incorporated communities and to various unincorporated areas. They also supply wholesale to four municipally owned distribution systems. The electric segment also owns and operates water pumping facilities and distribution systems in three communities in Missouri. They serve residential, commercial, industrial, wholesale on-system, and wholesale off-system customers. Empire’s gas segment provides natural gas distribution to communities in northwest, north central, and west central Missouri. This segment serves residential, commercial, and industrial customers.
With a vision to be a respected supplier of energy and related services, Empire District Electric Company (EDE) always works to know their customers and exceed their expectations. They also strive to provide increasing value to their shareholders by improving financial performance continually. Empire hopes to continue to provide long-term capacity, energy, transmission, and efficiency solutions, while maintaining competitive rates and increasing shareholder value.
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