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Hydrogenics Corp. (HYGS) Chosen to Provide Hydrogen Technology for First-of-its-Kind Centre in Wales

Hydrogenics Corp. (Nasdaq: HYGS) has emerged as a leading designer and manufacturer of fuel cell technology. The company today announced it was chosen to provide a hydrogen electrolyzer and fuel cell for the new Renewable Hydrogen Research and Demonstration Centre at the Baglan Energy Park in Wales.

“The Energy Park has now become a premier venue for businesses that are at the forefront of their field,” Professor Dennis Hawkes, who is leading the project, stated in the press release. “Rather than an isolated one-off demonstration, this project is to provide the basis for a range of hydrogen energy and transport activities. Its intention is to put Wales at the forefront of European efforts to develop hydrogen communities. The new Centre will bring together technology and expertise and will provide a platform for new business development, growth and employment in the region.”

The Centre will be the first of its kind, featuring the potential hydrogen holds as a promising renewable resource. The Centre is being developed by the University of Glamorgan, integrating academic and industry research to create a “hub” for hydrogen business development in Wales.

The plan calls for hydrogenics’ HySTAT-10 electrolyzer, powered by wind turbines, to produce hydrogen, which will then be used to power a Hydrogenics 1 x HyPM 12 fuel cell power module. The hydrogen will also fuel hydrogen fuel cell vehicles, including a delivery van and a shuttle bus previously integrated with a Hydrogenics fuel cell power module.

“Hydrogen provides an ideal energy solution,” Daryl Wilson, president and CEO of Hydrogenics stated. “We believe that hydrogen will play a critical role in capturing the power of renewable resources and creating viable clean energy systems that are cost effective, sustainable and environmentally friendly.”

Hydrogen power is gaining popularity as a clean energy. Hydrogenics’ electrolyzer was selected through Air Liquide Advanced Technologies, specializing in cryogenics and gas engineering, because of the system’s ability to store large amounts of energy for long periods of time.

“This is a unique solution for a unique customer. We had the opportunity to prove that hydrogen is a very promising alternative solution that offers tremendous potential for supplying clean silent energy,” said Catherine Candela, general manager of Air Liquide Advanced Technologies. “This solution fulfills Air Liquide’s commitment to sustainable development.”

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