Green business investment opportunities have special value within the Chemicals Manufacturing Industry. Unfortunately, many of them lose cash every quarter. This is why every stock that is able to generate a quarterly profit merits immediate support.
Shenandoah, IA is an optimal base for a company in the business of ethanol. This company protects its stock owners by adopting both of the major production technologies available for ethanol production. It has also invested in manufacturing capacities that are guaranteed by suppliers to meet output specifications. The combination of its location near raw material, technological flexibility, and risk management in commissioning new projects results in better chances of returns on stock market investments.
The company has reported net income of $1.37 per share for the first quarter of fiscal 2008, which ended on February 29. Tax accounting and a successful raw material sourcing initiative have contributed to this success. However, volume growth and efficient operations, which are durable features, have also contributed to the company generating a surplus within less than a year from commencing production.
The management has validated its business model sufficiently for stock investors to be assured that this trend of profitability will continue during the rest of 2008. It is significant that the company’s first quarterly profit of fiscal 2008 has been achieved in challenging market conditions.
The company has received preliminary approval for a grant of over $2 million to develop a method of producing fuel from algae. It has also acquired a grain storage company. These developments improve future stock prospects further.
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