The Trailing Twelve Months Net Profit Margin has been 37.08%. Return on Average Equity has been 36.88% during this period. This small capital corporation from the Construction and Agricultural Machinery Industry has fewer than 450 employees, and the stock price has touched a 52-week high on April 14, 2008. It seems to be a rare stock in today’s market.
The business is green as well. Making asphalt is hardly the stuff of a conservationist’s dreams. However, this company helps to make this essential ingredient of surface transportation from organic waste. It can even recycle old asphalt when old roads are laid afresh or widened. It is an endearing mix of old world profits and new world concerns for the planet.
Industrial incineration and soil decontamination are other environmentally sound technical services provided by plants manufactured by this company. It helps to produce energy from waste and to render new lands fit for a variety of agricultural and industrial uses. The UK manufacturing plant of this company from Orlando, FL makes it resilient against the financial effects of a depreciated dollar.
The company has a strong client focus. It helps to put old equipment back to use. All its new production comes with comprehensive training and adequate spares. The company has a century of industrial service on which it has built enviable reputations for quality and reliability, and it has strong Human Resources Development and Research programs in place.
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