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Beacon Equity Research Featured Company: Global Industries Ltd. (GLBL)

Global Industries is a leading offshore solutions provider of construction, engineering, project management and support services. Its services include pipeline construction, platform installation and removal, project management, construction support, diving services, diverless intervention, and marine support services.

The company is capable of installing pipelines using the reel method of pipeline construction. Under the reel method, welding and testing are performed onshore, then the pipe is spooled in one continuous length onto a large reel on a specially designed major construction vessel. Once the vessel is in the proper position offshore, the pipe is unspooled onto the ocean floor as the vessel moves forward.

As the world’s dependence on fossil fuel increases, Global is poised to continue its expansions, thus alienating itself from competitors. The expansion of its operations makes it possible to handle work from any of the major oil-producing regions of the world.

Let us hear your thoughts: Global Industries Ltd. Message Board

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