American Technology Corporation (NASDAQ: ATCO), announced an upswing of growth and record revenues of more than $11 million for its fiscal year ending Sept. 30. This provider of “directed sound” products and technologies that place sound where it is needed says its strong figures are mainly due to robust sales of its LRAD-X technology (Long Range Acoustic Device). ATC also expects $3.8 million in fourth quarter revenues, an increase of about 140% over 4Q 2007.
“The significant investment we made in our LRAD-X product line and technology in the first half of the fiscal year began paying off in the second half,” said Tom Brown, American Technology president and CEO.
That payoff would be to the tune of $6.5 million in revenues for the last two quarters of FY 2008, an increase of 40% over the first two fiscal quarters.
According to the company, LRAD-X acoustic hailing and warning devices (AHDs) are the only AHDs that meet all of the stringent requirements of the U.S. military.
“We are seeing strong and growing interest and business from the U.S. military, commercial security companies, and international customers,” said Brown. “We are also experiencing strong market interest and acceptance of our LRAD 100X handheld AHD, which we began shipping last quarter.”
Brown said he expects 2009 to continue growth, above sales figures for 2008.
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