3Com Corporation (NASDAQ: COMS) yesterday announced that its local area network (LAN) switches are about 60 percent more efficient than its competitors, making 3Com a green network and allowing 3Com customers to save money and help the environment by using less electricity to power high-performance networks.
The report was done by independent research firm In-Stat. This report, “Green Networking Equipment: Who Leads and Who Lags,” says there are “significant differences in the energy efficiency of similarly equipped switch equipment” and that “as many businesses develop ‘green’ initiatives… IT managers will be forced to absorb some degree of responsibility for their organization’s power usage.” 3Com has proven that they can reduce energy consumption while increasing network functionality.
3Com is currently working to deliver more energy efficient products for the future. In the past year and half, the company has regenerated its Ethernet switching portfolio to take advantage of innovative, energy-efficient components and designs. 3Com will continue to take a Green leadership role in the industry. The company is a provider of converged voice and networking solutions for companies of all sizes.
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