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VirnetX Holding Corp. (VHC) Announces Beta Testing for GABRIEL Secure Software Technology

VirnetX Holding Corp. is a communications and collaboration technology company with more than 48 U.S. and international patents, as well as pending applications for its GABRIEL Connection Technology. The company today announced the launch of beta testing of the Gabriel software, which provides seamless, automated security for communications by Internet-based applications.

The company said it is shifting from concentration of internal Gabriel testing, and will now include invited beta users from outside the company for about six months.

“I am very pleased with VirnetX’s Gabriel beta announcement,” Kendall Larsen, VirnetX president and CEO stated in the press release. “As with our recent Essential Patents for 4G Security Declaration, this announcement marks another important company milestone.”

According to the press release, the Gabriel technology includes secure domain name registrar, registry and relay services. To ensure security, computer modules automatically create authenticated encrypted connections between computers based on domain name lookups. This allows for secure instant messaging, file sharing and remote desktop access. Currently, the beta supports XP Professional, Vista and Windows 7.

The company said the end goal for beta testing is to generate an expanded user base that will allow more feedback.

“The purpose of the beta is to expand testing to a more diverse group of users so that the software can be made more robust with feedback from an expanded community,” said Edmund ‘Gif’ Munger, VirnetX’s chief technical officer. “At the conclusion of a successful beta, we will provide licensees with Gabriel software as a basis for developing and rapidly deploying their own secure products and services based on VirnetX’s patented methods.”

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