U.S. Geothermal Inc., a renewable energy development company that is operating geothermal power projects at Raft River, Idaho and San Emidio, Nevada, recently announced that the company has received the Special Use Permit for construction of its proposed 8.6 net megawatt Phase 1 power plant in northern Nevada. The Special Use Permit was unanimously approved by the Washoe County Planning Commission at an August 3, 2010 Planning Commission meeting and the permit was issued on August 4, 2010.
The Special Use Permit allows for the full development of San Emidio Project as a two-phase program that will result in a total of 35 megawatts of net generation capacity from four binary cycle power plant modules. Construction on the project is anticipated to begin during the third quarter of 2010, which will qualify the San Emidio project for the Federal ITC cash grant.
Resource expansion efforts are underway with funding assistance from the $3.77 million dollar Department of Energy Innovative Exploration Grant that was awarded to U.S. Geothermal in 2009. Final completion of the new plant is scheduled for the fourth quarter of 2011. To date, approximately 80 percent of the geologic mapping is complete and the seismic survey is scheduled to start in mid-September of this year.
For more information, please visit www.usgeothermal.com.
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