Targeted Strategies for Today's Evolving Markets

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Sharpeyed Featured Company: Gencor Industries, Inc. (GENC) Quietly Driving Toward Becoming a “Name”

Sometimes market plays come along that you wish you had known about way back when, those invisible stocks that just go under the radar. Then, quietly they become something interesting. They say “it’s always the quiet ones” and it sometimes is, especially when you want to drive your potential profit all the way to the bank…on asphalt.

Gencor Industries Inc., an asphalt plant manufacturer and fuels company, offers a full range of asphalt equipment and fuels to a diversified base of customers. The company’s main focus, however, is road building with all manner of asphalt processing, systems and storage equipment. The company has been a stock sleeper but is now being recognized and beginning to move quickly.

To say that the company is full service to the asphalt plant marketplace would be an understatement. If a customer needs process controls, the company can deliver. If the customer needs a cold feed system or hot mix silo, the company can provide. The back end of the process is even provided for with soil remediation plants.

A global perspective has given the company a significant edge in their manufacture of asphalt plants. Global economic conditions and the rise of once developing countries has placed Gencor Industries in a fairly advantageous position for growth. Infrastructure needs dictate the need for roads, and conversely, asphalt plants.

As the dollar continues its decline the company appears ready to accept the arduous burden of taking foreign capital into their hands. Domestically, the situation is also fairly rosy as existing plants continue to need upgrades and system repairs to meet a crumbling highway system. In most respects, the company might be considered to be in the cat bird seat as many industries without international customers stumble.

The company appears to be in fine running order and hitting on all cylinders. Stockholders are very happy with the way the company is being run and steady growth appears at hand. Those companies that can serve the export market have been having a great run at the expense of the US dollar. Gencor Industries appears to be one of them.

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