Although the “cat and mouse” game that counterfeiters play with “knock off” consumer products doesn’t appear to going away any time soon, the fight appears to be seeing some signs of progress for legitimate manufacturers. To the rescue is likely the once sci-fi product of the hologram, a three dimensional visual symbol only seen in certain circumstances, put into packaging products such as film. Eventually, counterfeiters will break this security feature but the industry is on their case with more sophisticated products ready and waiting.
Shiner International Inc., a plastic films company, is a US company based in Haikau China that offers counterfeit protection and other polymer film products around the world. Its primary operating facilities are located within China, where it derives 60% of sales. In recent news, the company has been listed on the US NASDQ exchange and signed contracts with China’s third largest tobacco company.
In many respects, Shiner International Inc. is the company providing solutions to corporate concerns regarding product counterfeiting and China’s participation in international trade. Counterfeit goods originating in China and around the world continue to be a significant problem as new consumer goods are “knocked off” and sold as originals. Shiner International Inc. provides patented protection in the form of polymer products to dissuade this practice. The ultimate aim of the company is to restore rightful profits to those companies which own the original rights to the product.
The market for these types of products is very large and growing. But, even with these profits in hand, the company’s 13 patents offer the greatest long term revenue source. Counterfeiting, by its nature is always looking for ways to beat the system, so future patent work and these existing patents are paramount. In this regard, the company is very foresighted. It understands that counterfeiters are trying to go around their security products and indicates that future patents will keep pace.
Within China the company is very well positioned with contracts signed for the country’s largest liquor concern and third largest tobacco concern. Its products, however, are sold around the world and not just directed at high counterfeit products such as the often mentioned video/music compact disks. It’s polymer based packaging products are approved by the US Food and Drug Administration and EEC as well. In an age of tampering, in all sorts of product categories, the company appears to be well positioned.
Although it is implied by the company’s acceptance onto the NASDQ exchange, the company goes to great lengths to show that it is fully transparent in all its practices. It further goes on to point out, in a rather heavy handed way, that it has board experienced in the field and a solid mix of board members; both independent and involved. In a certain sense, it might be said that this company is taking great pains to point out that it is here to stay and plans to be “the company” that provides product security packaging for a very long time to come.
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