Do you love picking stocks and discovering stocks other traders are excited about? Then you need to check out GotStocks! There you will find a community of stock pickers focused on beating market returns in both bull and bear markets. Even if you don’t currently own any stocks but want to build your skills, they have tools for you too.
Build a fantasy-folio, much like a fantasy football league. Line your personal pages with your top stock picks and see how your picks rate. Explain your rationale for choosing your top picks and hone your investment analysis skills. Get feedback from other community members and post your tidbits of wisdom on various stocks. Stay in the know – Watch daily videos, trace market movements, and hear group gossip with their community building toolbox.
GotStocks believes that bringing investors and their ideas together in this unique way will lead to greater financial success for everyone involved as participants feed on each others’ strengths and experiences. Share in their drive and passion, as their website becomes YOUR website.
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