Cardium Therapeutics is an asset-based health sciences and regenerative medicine company that focuses on new and innovative bio-medical product opportunities and businesses that have potential to address significant unmet medical needs. The company seeks to acquire, develop and leverage multiple medical opportunities and use its skills in late-stage product development to foster multiple diverse channels of profitability and bring promising bio-medical solutions to market. To achieve those goals, Cardium looks for possible acquisition targets that exhibit strong potential in pathways to commercialization, partnering, or alternative economic monetizations. The company’s target prospects and current asset holdings of bio-medical product and technologies range from new innovations to well-established brands.
Among other opportunities in its diverse portfolio, Cardium holds what is a recent but perhaps surprising acquisition: To Go Brands, a healthy nutraceutical supplement business, which Cardium acquired a year ago in October 2012. This company sports a wide range of healthy lifestyle products that are well-established in the marketplace and will continue to serve as dependable revenue generators for long-term stability.
To Go Brands develops, markets, and sells a portfolio of more than 25 products, including nutraceutical powder mixes, supplements and chews to support healthy lifestyles. This product line features 100 percent natural, antioxidant-rich drink mixes with organic ingredients, available in mix packages, sticks packs, and as capsule-based dietary supplements. The products function to fostering healthy lifestyles for prevention of or safeguarding against serious health conditions such as diabetes. In the United States alone, more than 25 million people are estimated to have diabetes, with 27 percent of that population remaining undiagnosed.
To Go Brands’ products have an established retail selling presence, as they are currently offered in more than 10,000 locations belonging to leading retail vendors including Whole Foods, CVS, Kroger, GNC, Jewel-Osco, Ralph’s Supermarkets, Meijr, and the Vitamin Shoppe. They are also available for purchase on To Go Brands’ online marketplace as well.
To Go Brands is part of Cardium’s three-part medical opportunities portfolio, which also includes the Tissue Repair Company and Cardium Biologics. These two companies are the developers of Excellagen and Generx, products that enable wound healing and management and treatment of cardiovascular indicators, respectively.
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